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Tetra EasyBalance Plus

Tetra EasyBalance Plus

Regular price $16.57 CAD
Regular price Sale price $16.57 CAD
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How to maintain aquarium water without all the fuss! EasyBalance® Plus works to maintain healthy levels of essential aquarium water chemistry necessary to keep your fish happy and healthy. This easy-to-use formula regulates pH and alkalinity and reduces nitrates and phosphates. At the same time, EasyBalance Plus replenishes essential vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes for maximum aquarium health. One teaspoon treats 5 gallons.

Regular use of EasyBalance Plus reduces the need for water changes for up to 6 months.

  • Carbonate Hardness Additive – The appropriate amount of carbonate hardness is added to the aquarium water compensating for KH losses, which occur as a result of nitrification.
  • pH Stabilization – Stabilizes the pH value on a sufficiently high level, preventing a drop to biologically harmful levels (pH crash) and produces a certain amount of CO2 preventing excessive pH values.
  • Phosphate Removing Effect – In a standard aquarium (30gal) the phosphate concentration is reduced to zero during most of the 6-month period.
  • New Feature: Nitrate Reduction with Nitraban™ – Serves as a nutrient for denitrifying bacteria that consume the oxygen releasing nitrogen from the aquarium. On average the nitrate concentration will drop below 40mg/l.
  • Other Features Include – Production of Carbon Dioxide, the addition of trace elements and a replenishment of vitamin B.


      Use weekly to maintain healthy aquarium conditions.
      Shake well before using. The top of the supplied screw cap can be used for measuring. Fill to inner ring line (5ml or 1 tsp) to treat 5 gallons or full cap (10ml) for 10 gallons. EasyBalance PLUS should not be used in aquariums with low oxygen conditions; proper aeration using an airstone is recommended.
      Change 50-75% of your aquarium's water at least once every 6 months, provided EasyBalance PLUS has been added as recommended and the aquarium is otherwise properly maintained.*

      Provides a safety net between water changes
      As aquariums age, their water chemistry changes. EasyBalance PLUS prevents harmful conditions caused by these changes. Regular use helps to maintain
      a healthy aquarium.

      • Regulates pH and alkalinity (KH) at recommended levels
      • Reduces nitrates and phosphates (waste products)
      • Adds the vitamins, minerals and electrolytes needed for vibrant active fish

      PRINCIPAL INGREDIENTS: Inorganic mineral salts, suspended biodegradable polymers.

      *A properly maintained aquarium contains the correct stocking level of fish, aeration, proper filtration and regular testing. NOTE: EasyBalance PLUS is not a tap water conditioner and will not neutralize chlorine or chloramines. When adding tap water to the aquarium it is recommended you always use Tetra AquaSafe® according to its directions.


      Sizes Available:

      • 3.38 fl oz
      • 8.45 fl oz
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